Course Description
Course Name
Contemporary Spanish History: 1898-Present Day
Host University
Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo - Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
Area of Study
European Studies, History
Language Level
Contact Hours
45 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits3
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units4
Hours & Credits
-To understand Spain's societal, cultural, political, and economic complexity through a study of its recent history
-To analyze, establish, and appreciate the connections between the old and new Spain
-To improve Spanish language abilities, particularly reading and listening comprehension and public speaking.
-To strengthen argumentative capabilities, the defense of ideas, and critical analysis through classroom discussion
-With Barcelona as a classroom, special attention will be focused on the city's history, with field trips to locations and museums relevant to topics discussed throughout the course.CURRICULUM
1- Introduction: 1492
-End of Muslim rule in Spain.
-Beginning of a Catholic Spain and Spain as a country.
-Coexistence of Spain's three cultures: Catholics, Jews (converts), and Muslims (Mudejar and Moorish).
-Discovery of America: circumstances and consequences.Visual aid: select movie scenes from "1492" by Ridley Scott and "La Misión" by Roland Joffé.
2- From the War of Independence against Napoleon to the Second Republic: 1802-1931
-Independence of American colonies.
-Two Spains emerge: conservative and liberal.
-Industrial Revolution: the new Spanish society.
-Catalan and Basque nationalism.
-Role of the Bourbon Monarchy.Visual aid: "Los Transmundos de Goya" by Carlos Saura.
3-From the Second Republic to the Civil War: 1931-1939
-End of monarchy and the Republican victory.
-Period of political struggle.
-Coup: "el golpe de estado"
-Horrors of the Civil War
-Anarchism in Barcelona.Visual aid: "Tierra y Libertad" by Ken Loach.
4-Franco's Regime: 1939-1975
-Postwar: the age of poverty and international isolation.
-Modernization of Spain.
-Franco's system in crisis.
-Spanish society under Franco: values and beliefs.Visual aids: real footage from Noticiero Documental (NODO) and "El Verdugo" by Berlanga.
5-Transition: dictatorship to democracy: 1975-1981
-Political, social, and economical transition.
-National recognition: Catalonia and the Basque Country.
-Issues in terrorism.Visual aids: real footage from Noticiero Documental (NODO) and "La Muerte de Mikel" by Imanol Uribe.
6-The last 15 years:
-Different governments: conservative and socialist.
-Joining the European Union: modernization.
-Spain and America: social, political, and economic relations.
-The construction boom.
-Olympics in Barcelona: changes and transformations.
-March 11th: the worst terrorist attack in European history.Visual aid: real footage from Radio Televisión Española.
7-Present-day Spain: future challenges
-Immigration problems.
-The economic crisis.
-Opportunities in times of crisis.
-Spain and the European Union: condemned to understand each other?Visual aid: real footage from Radio Televisión Española.
Movie: "Vicky, Cristina y Barcelona" by Woody Allen.EVALUATION AND METHODOLOGY:
-Course based on lectures and written assignments.
-The professor will provide supporting materials (specialized texts, articles, documentaries, movies, etc.) to compliment the course.
-Beyond lectures and supporting materials, there will be a practice session in which students and professor make a group synthesis as well as an evaluation of the movement's or artist's most relevant aspects through key questions.
Course Disclaimer
Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.