Course Description
Course Name
Research Project (English)
Host University
Universidad del Norte
Barranquilla, Colombia
Area of Study
Algebra, Architecture, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Sciences, Business Administration, Cell and Molecular Biology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Communication Science and Disorders, Communication Studies, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Criminology, Design, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Elementary Education, Engineering Science and Math, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Environmental Sustainability, Ethics, Finance, Global Health, Graphic Design, Health Science, Human Development and Family Studies, Industrial Engineering, Information Studies, Intercultural Communications, International Economics, International Relations, International Studies, Justice Studies, Latin American Studies, Legal Studies, Management, Marketing, Materials Science Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience, Nursing, Peace and Conflict Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, Radio - Television - Film, Research, Secondary Education, Spanish, Special Education, Statistics, Studio Art, Systems Engineering
Language Level
High Beginning, Taught In English
Students can complete this Research Project in either English or Spanish. Students should have at least a High Beginning Spanish language level to enroll in this course.
Contact Hours
64 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits4
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units6
Hours & Credits
- This course provides opportunities for research conducted through the university which serves as a platform for students interested in pursuing research during the academic period either on either a short or long term basis.
- A university faculty member will continue to follow up with the student performing research to formalize their stay at the university. Students participating in the research program have access to all university services offered through the International Student Mobility.
- Enrollment in the research course is offered for undergraduate and graduate students depending on each specific case. Students pursing research on a part-time basis may also enroll in additional classes at the university.
Benefits:- Increase the presence of international students on the university campus through its connection to courses which promote research in various areas of study.
- The researcher will work directly with a faculty tutor who will guide the student's process through the research and will provide direction and management.
- The student will be enrolled at the university for the duration of their research project. In case the student does not complete their research project they will be responsible for any associated costs.
- The research project option aims to provide an alternative to the regular incoming academic exchange program. The researcher will have the option to take courses from the regular curriculum of academic programs from the university if conducting research on a part-time basis. The research program must be approved for credit by the student's home institution.
- Note: Students must demonstrate an interest in research.
Selection Criteria:- Student approval for the research project will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Academic performance
- Attitudes, aptitudes and abilities of the student to work in a multicultural research environment.
- Ability and interest in linking research groups at the university.
- Review of the applicant's research proposal and CV (resume).
Process of applying to conduct the research project:- Prior to the start of the program, candidates will send their research proposal and CV (resume) to the ISA Barranquilla Site Specialist who will pass the materials to the UniNorte.
- The International Student Mobility Office at the UniNorte will conduct an assessment of the candidates to select the course participants and coordinate the faculty tutors.
- If a student is not approved for the research project they will instead enroll in regular university courses.
Structure of the System of Research at the UniNorte
Currently at the university there are 40 identified groups of research which brings together more than 250 research projects, developing and innovating technology with external resources, which together with the projects represent a good part of our scientific and technical activity.For the full list of all reserach areas (in Spanish) along with descriptions of each area, please visit the Research Groups section of the UniNorte website.
Research Areas:
*Note: As this is a long list, it may be useful to use "Control + F" to find your area of interest. The search feature may be case sensetive.- Administrative Sciences
- Applied Physics
- Semiconductor Optical Characterization
- Surface Science: Silicone
- Calculate Structural Properties of Materials
- Survey of Electronic Property of Materials
- Theoretical Studies of Semiconductors
- Fundamentals of Condensed Matter
- Physical Oceanography
- Architecture, Urbanism and Design
- Art, Architecture and Design
- Design and Interaction
- Research in Architecture
- Urban and Regional Development
- Biotechnology
- Bioinformation
- Research and Development of Molecules with Pharmacological Properties
- Engineering and Enzyme Technology
- Applied Immunology
- Reactors, Fermentation Engineering and Metabolic Pathways
- Caribbean Studies
- Archeology and History of the Caribbean Region and Latin America
- Tangible and Intangible Caribbean Heritage
- Territories, cities and people of the Colombian Caribbean
- Chemistry & Biology
- Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Natural Products
- Organic Chemistry and Molecular Modeling
- Biophysics and Neuroscience Computation
- Civil Engineering
- Pavement Design
- Pavement Management Systems
- Asphalt
- Transport Modeling
- Hydraulics
- Riving Modeling
- Climate Change
- Communication and Culture
- Analysis of Journalistic Discourse
- Communication and Health
- Communication, City and Citizenship
- Communication, Media and Culture
- New Media
- Computer Education
- Development and Quality of Life - Quality of Education
- Teaching of Informatics
- Management Educational Environments
- Educational Innovation
- Social Networks and Knowledge Management
- Computers and Software Engineering
- Quality of Network Services
- Production Cycles for Software Development
- Application Development
- Virtual Education
- Quality Management Software
- Interconnecting Networks
- Development Platforms, Information Architecture and Standards for Software Development
- Simulation
- Sustainable Development and Human Computer Interaction
- Economics
- Environmental Economics
- Institutional Economics and Development
- Social Economy and Regional Development
- Economics of Organizations
- Management and Innovation
- Macroeconomics and International Economics
- Education & Cognition
- Cognition in Math and Science
- Childhood Education
- Mathematical Thinking
- Processes and Strategies for Development
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Control and Intelligence Systems
- Computing Vision, Image Processing
- All in Power Systems: Operation and Control
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Communication Systems, Radars, RFID
- Electrical Power Systems
- Quality of Electricity
- Energy and Environment
- Electricity Markets
- Operation and Maintenance of Power Systems
- Genetics and Molecular Medicine
- Cytogenetics
- Pharmacogenomics in the Colombian Caribbean Population
- Clinical Genetics and Molecular Medicine
- Genetics of Obesity
- Genetics of Human Populations
- Cancer Genetics
- Health Sciences
- Environment and Health
- Nursing Care
- Chronic Non-communicable Diseases
- Education for Human Resources in Health
- Epidemiology
- Health Management
- Family Health
- Occupational Health
- Human Development
- Social Development
- Infancy and Quality of Life
- Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
- Fluvial Hydraulic Engineering
- Coastal Engineering
- Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
- Watershed Management, Water Supply Systems and Sanitation
- Computation Modeling and Simulation of Engineering Problems
- International Agenda
- Regional Studies and Comparative Foreign Policy
- Identities
- International Migration and Transnational Forces
- Global Security
- Industrial Engineering
- Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Management Systems in Health Care
- Sustainability
- Multivariate Statistical Methods
- Survey Research
- Military Logistics
- Humanitarian Logistics
- Transportation
- Simulation
- Statistical Analysis
- Production planning and Scheduling
- Innovation in the Caribbean
- Entrepreneurship and Business Development
- Strategy and Competitiveness
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Business and Organizational Management
- Accounting and Financial Management
- Language and Education
- Linguistic Awareness
- Teaching and Learning Languages
- Language in an Educational Context
- Law and Political Science
- Democracy and Political Institutions
- Public Administration and Justice Issues
- Civil and Commercial Matters
- Criminal Policy and Criminology
- Philosophy of Law and Legal Studies
- Labor and Social Security Matters
- International Law
- Peace, Conflict and Negotiation
- Marketing
- Consumer Culture
- Culture and Marketing
- Marketing Strategies and Programs
- Logistics and Supply Chain
- Materials, Processes and Design
- Education for Design Engineers and Material Science
- Integrity and Failure Analysis in Machines and Structures
- Engineering Design of Products and Machines
- Polymeric and metallic material processing and design
- Mathematics
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis
- Numerical Analysis
- Biostatistics
- Algebra
- Discrete Mathematics
- Evolution Equations and Pseudo Differential Operators
- Continuum Mechanics
- Continuous Optimization
- Discrete Optimization
- Stochastic Processes and Extreme Value Theory
- Mechanical Engineering
- Control and Automation
- Numerical Methods in Engineering
- Renewable Energies
- High Precision Manufacturing
- Product and Machine Design
- Synthesis and Characterization of Non-composite Polymeric Materials
- Natural Sciences
- Neonatology andPediatrics
- Bioethics
- Predictive factors for Morbidity and Mortality in Neonates and Pediatric Populations
- Neonatology
- Neonatology and Infectious Diseases Pediatrics
- Neonatal Pulmonary Hypertension
- Social Pediatrics
- Nursing
- Bioethics
- Basic Science
- Nursing Care
- Health Collective
- Philosophy
- Practical Philosophy
- Philosophical Events
- Philosophy and Literary Studies
- Contemporary and Cultural Studies
- Physical Therapy
- Design Support Systems in Diagnosis
- Rehabilitation System Design
- Medical Image Processing
- Biomedical Signal Processing and Telemedicine
- Productivity and Competitiveness
- Design and Operations Management
- Concurrent Engineering
- Quality Engineering
- Organizations and Management
- Product Design and Research
- Psychology
- Cognition and Meaning
- Consumer Psychology
- Neuroscience
- Organization and Human Resource Management
- Clinical Psychology and Health
- Rational Use of Energy and Environmental Preservation
- Biofuels
- Bioprocesses
- Industrial Process Control
- Energy Conversion
- Reproductive Health and Sexuality
- Oxidative Stress and Nutrition
- Sexuality in Different Stages of Development of Men and Women
- Medicine Playback: Basics and Clinical
- Reproductive Molecular Pathology
- Robotics and Intelligence Systems
- Operations Research and Statistics
- Automatic Production
- Robotics
- Intelligence Systems
- Computer Vision and Signal Processing
- Scientific Studies
- Didactics of science and technology
- Mathematics Education
- What and how to teach?
- Structures and Geotechnics
- Biomechanics and Biomaterials
- Structural Dynamics
- Computation and Experimental Geotechnics
- Earthquake Engineering
- Materials and Structure
- Control Systems Structures
- Systems Engineering
- Telemedicine
- Energy Efficiency in Communication and Computing Devices
- Information Systems
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Location-based Information Systems
- Wireless Sensor Networks and Body Sensor Networks
- Mobile Programming
- Embedded Systems
- Computer Network Devices
- Algorithms and Complexity
- Databases
- Telecommunications & Signal Handling
- Mobile Communications
- Electronics and High Frequency Circuits
- Laboratories and Educational Tools
- Digital Image and Signal Processing
- Telematic Networks
- Transportation Studies
- Transportation Management and Urban Environments
- Road and Transport Infrastructure
- Transportation System Modeling
- External Ratings in Transport Systems
- Tropical Diseases
- Arbovirology - Dengue Fever
- Medical Entomology
- Leptospirosis
- Parasitology
- Virology and Associated Pathologies
- Molecular changes in respiratory syncytial virus infections
- Cellular Proteins Incorporated into HIV
- HIV Subtypes
- Molecular Study of HIV Coreceptors
- Extracellular Matrix, Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Pathology
- Polarization HIV
Course Disclaimer
Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.