Course Description
Course Name
Advanced Oral and Written Expression
Host University
Universidad Latina - Heredia
Heredia, Costa Rica
Area of Study
Language Level
Contact Hours
45 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits3
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units4
Hours & Credits
Course Title: Advanced Spanish: Emphasis on Oral and Written Expression
Semester Credits/Quarter Units: 3/4
Pre-requisites: intermediate Spanish level
This course is given in Spanish.II. AUDIENCE:
This course is specifically designed for ISA students.III. CONTACT HOURS:
This course will meet for 45 contact hoursIV. GENERAL COURSE DESCRIPTION AND COURSE OBJECTIVES:
The ULCR Spanish program focuses on developing communicative skills through study, oral and written communication, and understanding of Spanish as a second language. The goal is that the student develops effectively and adequately in all of the contexts of the Spanish language and achieves a better understanding of the culture in which he or she is immersed. The student begins to work with more highly developed communicative goals, including the ability to appropriately tailor a message to different audiences. Within the context of formal presentations, the student will learn to identify how main ideas are appropriately supported by specific information. Furthermore, the student will learn to effectively manage/direct small formal discussion groups. The student will learn to identify point of view and tone in editorial articles, personal essays and short fictional stories. He or she will develop practical application skills for spoken and written communication within various socio-cultural and literary contexts of Spain and Latin America. The class will include comparison of grammatical structures of Spanish and English.V. REQUIRED READINGS/TEXTS:
Read and analyze more complex materials such as newspaper and magazine articles, pieces of literature, and essays. Readings will be provided by the teacher.VI. COURSE CALENDAR:
Sesión 1 - 2
Contenido: comunicación efectiva Ejercicios de gramática. Refranes.
Ejercicios de gramática. Producción práctica. Opiniones sobre planes y predicciones para el futuro. Composición escrita sobre planes y predicciones. Intercambio de estudiantes.Sesión 3 - 4
Contenido: tema sobre costumbres y aspectos culturales. Comunicación escrita en situaciones hipotéticas.Discusión sobre costumbres de España, Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos. Ejercicios de gramática en clase e interactivos. Composición sobre diferencias culturales entre España, Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos. Producción creativa sobre situaciones hipotéticas. Producción y actuación de una situación específica a escoger.
Sesión 5 - 6
Tipos de expresión escrita La narración; periodismo; disertación y ensayo. Temas del medioambiente.
Actividades de escucha y escritura - Ejercicios interactivosSesión 7 - 8
La estructura oral ? la exposición Lectura del museo y biografía de Picasso. La entrevista formal e informal
Producción creativa de la gramática aprendida. Vocabulario relacionado con museos. Debate sobre Picasso.Sesión 9 - 10
Cartas formal e informal y de quejas. Verbos como volverse, hacerse, ponerse, llegar a ser, etc. Tema: Desastres naturales
. Intercambio de cartas. Actuación sobre una queja. Video sobre la importancia del español en los Estados Unidos.Sesión 11 - 12
El gesto y la postura en comunicación
Estudio de la audiencia y efectos de la comunicaciónSesión 13 - 14
Refranes y dichos populares.
Explicar los refranes. Repaso.VII. EVALUATION CRITERIA:
Proyecto de clase: 20%
Examen oral: 20%
Examen parcial: 25%
Examen final: 25%
Dramatizaciones: 10%VIII. ATTENDANCE POLICY:
Classes start on time. Arriving more than 10 minutes late is equivalent to being tardy. Three tardies equal one absence. Students who arrive more than 30 minutes late are marked absent. A student who accumulates four (4) or more absences fails the course.IX. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIAL ASSIGMENTS/ACTIVITIES:
The class activities will include individual, pair, and group projects, short readings, presentations, conversations, dialogues, and plays. Topic examples Read and analyze more complex materials such as newspaper and magazine articles, pieces of literature, and essays Identify point of view and tone in editorial articles, personal essays and short fictional stories Create more detailed and complex essays, written responses, articles, journal entries and letters. Appropriately tailor a message to different audiences.X. OTHER EXPECTATIONS, RULES,CONDUCT GUIDELINES,SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS:
All assignments must be handed in on the due date. Exams must be taken on the assigned date and will only be made up in case of documented emergencies. If an emergency occurs, it is the student's responsibility to communicate with the professor and make arrangements. There is a 17,000 colon charge for make-up tests/activities which require the professor´s presence. The University provides, upon request, appropriate academic adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. Any student with a documented disability (physical or cognitive) who requires academic accommodations should contact the Academic Coordinator as soon as possible to request an official letter outlining authorized accommodations. Approved accommodations will not change the basic elements of the course/class.
*Course content subject to change
Course Disclaimer
Please note that there are no beginning level Spanish courses offered in this program.
Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.
Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations