From Impressionism to Post-Impressionism

Institut Catholique de Paris

Course Description

  • Course Name

    From Impressionism to Post-Impressionism

  • Host University

    Institut Catholique de Paris

  • Location

    Paris, France

  • Area of Study

    Art History

  • Language Level

    Intermediate, High Intermediate, Advanced, High Advanced

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    1 / General objectives of the course:
    - Initiation into the history of art and the analysis of works of art;
    - Discovery of the main French artistic movements between 1850 and 1900 (Academism, Realism, Impressionism,
    Pointillism and Symbolism) Symbolism);
    - Discovery of the great French artists and their works, placing them in the historical, artistic and socio-cultural context
    of the time.

    2 / Teacher's pedagogical approach:
    - The course offers an in-depth analysis of periods and works, with the active participation of the students. Thus, even outside the foundations of the history of French Art, the latter are gradually led to acquire the tools of plastic analysis and the specialized language necessary for any artistic commentary.
    - Outside of class, frequenting Parisian museums (in particular, the Musée d´Orsay) is therefore recommended for the acquisition of knowledge.

    3 / Supports:
    Work from projections of images / DVD on screen indoors, alternating with outdoor visits, in particular the Musée d'Orsay (The museum is free for students under 26 years of age and paying beyond. The entry amount is the responsibility of the students concerned - Plan two visits)

    4 / Summary bibliographical references
    - General works:
    - Art in France in the 19th Century, Paris, Masson, 1990.
    - H. FOCILLON, Painting in the 19th century, Paris, Flammarion, 1991 (reissue).
    - E. GOMBRICH, Histoire de l'Art, Paris, Flammarion, 1982.
    - Fr. HAMON, Ph. DAGEN, History of art, contemporary period, 19th and 20th centuries, Paris, Flammarion, 1995.
    - J. HARDING, The firefighters: academic painting in France from 1830 to 1880, Paris, Flammarion, 1980.
    - G. MONNIER, Art and its institutions from the revolution to the present day, Paris, Folio Histoire, 1995.
    - J. REWALD, History of Impressionism, Paris, The Pocket Book, 1976.
    - L. ROSENTHAL, From romanticism to realism, evolution of French painting between 1830-1848, Paris, Macula, s. d.
    - Introduction to theories and art criticism:
    - E. PANOFSKY, The work of art and its meanings; essay on visual arts, Paris, Gallimard, 1979.
    - D. RIOUT, Writers before Impressionism (Mallarmé, Maupassant, Huysmans, Mirbeau, Fénéon ...), Paris, Macula, 1989.
    - M. SCHAPIRO, Style, artists and society, Paris, Gallimard, 1982.
    - M. WOLLFLIN, Fundamental Principles of Art History, the problem of the evolution of style in modern art, Paris, Idées / Gallimard, s. d.
    - As well as the following exhibition catalogs (selection):
    - G. BATAILLE, Manet (preface by Françoise Cachin), Geneva, Skira, 1983.
    - Caillebotte, Paris, Rmn, 1994.
    - Degas, Paris, Rmn, 1990.
    - R.-L. DELEVOY, Le symbolisme, Geneva, Skira, 1977.
    - Paul Gauguin, Paris, Rmn, 1989.
    - G. GEFFROY, Monet, his life his work, Paris, Macula, 1987.
    - Henri LOYRETTE, Degas, Paris, Fayard, 1988.
    - Manet, les natures stilles, Paris, Rmn, 2000.
    - Manet, Monet, La gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, Rmn, 1998.
    - Monet, exhibition at the Grand Palais, September 22, 2010 - January 24, 2011, Paris, Rmn / Musée d´Orsay, 2010.
    - Gustave Moreau, Paris, Rmn, 1998.
    - Les Nabis, Paris, Rmn, 1993.
    - Seurat, Paris, Rmn, 1991.
    - Paul Signac, Paris, Rmn, 2000.
    - Van Gogh, Paris, Rmn, 1988.

    5 / Assessment:
    Note 1: Written test; Note 2: Presentation; Note 3: Written test; Note 4: Participation and attendance.
    Each mark (25% of the final mark) takes into account knowledge and expression in French. Attendance at table checks is mandatory to obtain the certificate.

    6 / Attendance, punctuality:
    In case of absence or delay, notify the teacher and the secretariat. It is up to you to find out about the work done and the homework required.

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.


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